Monday, June 25, 2012

Avoid Strength Training Mistakes

Are you a little intimidated when you think about strength training or walking into the “weight room land of testosterone”?

Here are a few suggestions and common mistakes.
  • If you are not familiar with weight training, you can get one appointment with a personal trainer and have them show you a few lifts or machines to work on your major muscle groups. Many gym memberships offer this as part of your sign up fee.
  • If you have access to a gym, go to the weight machines that will keep you in correct form in order to prevent incorrect posture and injury.
  • Find a work out partner, especially one with experience or guidelines. Most people find it easier if they work out with someone else passionate about their health.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask your peers.
  • There are many online sources that can show you certain lifts for certain muscle groups ( is one of them.
  • If you are somewhat familiar with free weights, make sure to lift your weights in front of a mirror and watch your movements in order to maintain the correct form and posture.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Fitness Craze

Sometimes the monotony of your exercise routine decreases the enjoyment and benefits you get out of your workout. There are many fitness crazes out there that can help get you out of your exercise funk.

Some of these fitness crazes are:
  • Airobics, exercise on trampolines.
  • Suspension: strength training, using your own body weight and gravity for resistance.
  • Elite Fitness: muscle confusion
  • Jumping shoes
  • Pole Dancing
  • Kettlebell

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Need a little ‘fitspiration’? Having a motto or motivational mantra can help you stick to your fitness goals. Below is a list of some of Today’s reader’s motivational sayings.
  1. "It took more than a day to put it on, it will take more than a day to take it off."
    -- Emily Coburn
  2. "'You've got to shock your body to change it' and 'You're one workout away from a good mood" are two of my favorites."
    -- Claudia Zapata
  3. "(M)y mantra is: 'I HAVE TO DO THE WORK.' It is NOT going to magically be that way when I wake up, there is NO magic pill, someone else is NOT going to take my body and work out then give it back all while I am sleeping: so I have to be realistic and understand I HAVE TO DO THE WORK to get WHAT I WANT out of my body and health..."
    -- Alicia Waldeyer 
  4. "The difference between try and triumph is a little umph."
    -- Danna Goshorn

Monday, June 4, 2012


Summertime is a fun and active phase for many people. With this activity comes a possible increase in injuries. Many acute injuries are not serious, but can dampen the spirit and physical capacities of any active individual. If you find yourself with a sprain or strain, remember RICE.
  • REST the injury. Give it time to recover and prevent secondary injuries.
  • ICE the injury immediately after the incident. A bag of crushed ice is best since you can wrap it around the joint or injury…even a bag of frozen peas works great.
  • COMPRESSION around the injured site will prevent swelling from spreading and encourage the fluid away to allow healing. Tie or tape the ice bag around the joint, but not too tight, you should be able to slide two fingers between the skin and bag of ice.
  • ELEVATION reduces gravities effect on swelling. Raise the injury a little, but be sure to support other joints. For example, raise an injured ankle, but be sure to put support under knee joint as well.