Monday, March 29, 2010

Cross Training

Cross training is simply the idea of performing a variety of exercises to work different muscle groups in different ways. An ideal cross-training program involves various aerobic, strength, and flexibility training exercises.

For an athlete, cross training can help one improve in his sport, as well as maintain muscle balance and flexibility.

For example, a runner mainly performs cardiovascular activity using his legs. The following are examples of cross training activities helpful for runners.

1. Stretching regularly is important to maintain flexibility and prevent injury.

2. Strength training of the legs can increase speed and power. Upper body strength training is also important so the upper body muscles are not neglected.

3. Other cardio activities, such as biking, can be good cross training activities. Although biking also focuses on the legs, it uses the muscles differently and with less impact.

Monday, March 22, 2010


The more you do the same exercises, the better your body will be able to perform them and the less work it will take. In order to continually improve your fitness level, it is important to consider the principle of overload.

Overload is the idea of continually increasing one element of your workout, such as time, intensity, or resistance.

Here are two examples:

1. If you walk one mile at the same pace every day, your body will become used to that exercise over time. In order to progress, try increasing your speed, distance, or adding light ankle or hand weights.

2. If you start a resistance program doing bicep curls with 5 lb weights, it may initially be difficult. However, once it becomes easier, it is time to increase your weight, sets, or repetitions.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cool Down

The cool down has vital physiological functions. When your heart rate is increased from exercise and you suddenly stop your activity, the blood flow rapidly decreases, which can cause blood to pool in your feet.

Since blood carries oxygen to your brain, heart, and muscles, it is vital to decrease your exercise intensity slowly and keep the blood flowing evenly.

The cool down also allows your muscles to cool down slowly. Without a cool down period, muscles may cool down rapidly and tighten up. This can lead to muscle stiffness and soreness.

To properly cool down, decrease to a light intensity level until your breathing and heart rate have slowed. The cool down is also an excellent time to stretch.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Heart Healthy Exercise

Cardiovascular, or aerobic, fitness is the ability to sustain moderate to high intensity activity over an extended period of time. Activities in which the large muscles of the body are in constant or almost constant motion are considered aerobic. Generally your heart rate and breathing increase for a sustained period of time.

In addition to being good for burring calories, aerobic activity is particularly good for your heart. The heart is a muscle; just like any other muscle, it grows stronger with frequent use. A well conditioned heart is able to pump more blood and oxygen to the body and maintain a higher rate for longer periods of time. That is why aerobic activities are also known as “Heart Healthy” exercise.

Examples of aerobic activities include running, walking, swimming, biking, and dance.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spot Reduction Myth

We often hear advertisements for ways to burn fat from just your mid-section, glutes, or other problem areas. However, as much as we'd all love to target fat on the abdomen, glutes, hips, thighs, or underarms, there is no such thing as spot reduction. That means you can't burn fat from just one specific spot on your body.

Exercise in specific areas of your body may increase your muscle strength or endurance in those areas. However, fat is generally reduced throughout the entire body, not just one spot.

The best way to reduce overall body fat is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.