Monday, April 30, 2012

Exercise & Allergies

Nearly 40 million Americans suffer from allergies, so how do you exercise with them?
  • Change your schedule. Pollen is worse during the cooler hours of the day, so try working out later in the day.
  • Stay inside and do an exercise DVD or use home exercise equipment..
  • Avoid allergy-aggravating foods like certain fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat the right foods, such as yogurt.
  • After being outside, remove articles of clothing to avoid tracking pollen through your home.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Are you one of the 65% of Americans who encounter sleep problems? Sleep is essential to fight off sickness, decrease risk for obesity as well as depression; it is also an important time for your body to rest and recover from the day’s activities.

Here are six bedtime habits that are ruining your sleep.

  1. Reading books in bed. It is okay to read before bedtime, just take it out of the room or bed.
  2. Working on computer before bed. The brightness from the screen stimulates your brain, so keep it simple and keep it off.
  3. Buying cheap or incorrect mattress and pillow. Choose the correct firmness in mattress and pillows.
  4. Using bright alarm clocks: cover the alarm clock or buy a small traveling clock. The light emulating from the clock can distract you. “If I go to sleep right now, I’ll get 5 hours and 32 minutes of sleep before I need to wake up.”
  5. Counting sheep: if you have been in bed trying to go to sleep for 30 minutes, get up, find something mundane to do, and you’ll find yourself crawling back into bed.
  6. Exercising late at night. An intense workout raises your body temperature and boosts your energy level, making it hard to calm down and go to sleep at bedtime. Try to keep workouts at least three hours before bedtime.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Power of Citrus

Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are delicious, refreshing, and nutritious!

  • One medium orange contains more than 100% RDA for vitamin C.
  • May shorten length of symptoms from the cold or flu.
  • They boost good HDL cholesterol and lower bad LDL cholesterol.
  • Water and fiber within these fruits will help you feel full longer, resulting in possible weight loss.
  • Use citrus juice instead of salt on your next meal.
  • May help reduce cancer.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Plate Pushes

Try something new and different to your workout that works your core, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Better yet, finish off your old workout with it. Place a heavy plate 20-35 pounds on top of a towel. Put your hands on the plate and drive with your legs, pushing the plate quickly across the floor, about 25 to 40 yards. Repeat two to five times only resting 60 seconds between each circuit. For best results, keep elbow straight, push with long strides and keep hops lower than shoulder (similar to a plank).

Monday, April 2, 2012

Get a Better Burn

After your regular workout try to finish off with a quick burst of energy to increase your heart rate and burn more calories. It will only add an additional five minutes to your workout but give you quicker results.

Think of circuits in 20 second or 30 second increments with only 10 second break between each workout. Go through each movement twice.

  • Speed Squat: feet hip-width, bend knees 90 degrees, return to stand. Remember to keep chest upright.
  • Squat Thrust: feet hip-width, bend knees and place hands between knees on ground, then kick legs back to push-up position (increase difficulty by bringing legs back to squatting position, then exploding up with both hands in air as high as you can jump…called burpees).
  • Mountain Climbers: in push-up position, bring knees up to your chest, alternating, similar to running in place.
Speed Skip: skip in place bringing knees up to chest.