Need a little ‘fitspiration’? Having a motto or motivational mantra can help you stick to your fitness goals. Below is a list of some of Today’s reader’s motivational sayings.
- "It
took more than a day to put it on, it will take more than a day to take it
-- Emily Coburn - "'You've
got to shock your body to change it' and 'You're one workout away from a
good mood" are two of my favorites."
-- Claudia Zapata - "(M)y
mantra is: 'I HAVE TO DO THE WORK.' It is NOT going to magically be that
way when I wake up, there is NO magic pill, someone else is NOT going to
take my body and work out then give it back all while I am sleeping: so I
have to be realistic and understand I HAVE TO DO THE WORK to get WHAT I
WANT out of my body and health..."
-- Alicia Waldeyer - "The
difference between try and triumph is a little umph."
-- Danna Goshorn
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