heard the quote “You make time for what is important to you?” If you are serious
about getting healthy, you can always find the time. Think of it this
way…one hour of exercise is only 4% of your day. If you really considered
the way you spend your time you can probably find some things to cut back on,
such as television and social media, that don’t really benefit your body.
breaking up your exercise into smaller segments, such as 15 minutes before your
morning shower and 15 minutes after work. Too busy to get to the
gym? There is an app for that! Try the free app “Sworkit.” It
can get you moving in five minutes or less with zero equipment required.
You choose cardio, strength, yoga, flexibility, and more. Now there is no
excuse, because you can do this anywhere you can take your smart phone or
thought to consider…every time you exercise you are extending your life, so it
really is not any time lost!